Dear User, Thank you very much for your message. I set your ID to private, non-commercial usage because I believe you that you do only use TeamViewer for private use. So you are now able to use the free, non-commercial version again. Please keep in mind: TeamViewer is only free for private, non-commercial use. If you want to use TeamViewer commercially, please buy a license. The free version can only be used in a private environment - for example if you help friends or relatives in your free time and do not receive any money for it. Commercial use is every usage in a business environment. This means, if you use it at work or support customers and colleagues, it will be commercial usage. Therefore, you are not allowed to use the free version of TeamViewer in any office environments. As soon as one of the PCs participating in a session is connected to a commercial network (office/school/etc.) it is considered commercial use. If you have any further questions or require further information, please feel free to contact us. Best Regards, Cesar Galindo Support Engineer TeamViewer US LLC * 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200 * Tampa, FL 33607 * USA Phone number (+1) 800 951 4573 * Fax (+1) 855 891 0177 * E-mail [email protected] Handelsregister Ulm HRB 534075 * CEO: Oliver Steil Ticket ID: PS: TeamViewer 13 is here! Discover what’s new!
亲爱的用户, 非常感谢您的留言。 我将您的ID设置为私有,非商业用途,因为我相信您只使用TeamViewer供私人使用。 因此,您现在可以再次使用免费的非商业版本。 请记住: TeamViewer仅供私人,非商业用途免费使用。 如果您想在商业上使用TeamViewer,请购买许可证。 免费版本只能在私人环境中使用 - 例如,如果您在空闲时间帮助朋友或亲戚并且没有收到任何金钱。 商业用途是商业环境中的每种用途。这意味着,如果您在工作中使用它或支持客户和同事,它将是商业用途。因此,您不得在任何办公环境中使用TeamViewer的免费版本。一旦参与会话的一台PC连接到商业网络(办公室/学校/等),它就被认为是商业用途。 如果您有任何其他问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时与我们联系。 最好的祝福, 塞萨尔加林多 支持工程师 TeamViewer US LLC * 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East,Suite 200 * Tampa,FL 33607 * USA 电话号码(+1)800 951 4573 *传真(+1)855 891 0177 *电邮[email protected] Handelsregister Ulm HRB 534075 *首席执行官:Oliver Steil 支持票号: PS:TeamViewer 13在这里!发现什么是新的!
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